Boo! Didi i scare you? Well one might get the shivers of an eerie feeling dating a ghost, the possibilities are endless. Who wants to go on a date with a ghost?There are dating sites galore, Match, E-Harmony, UDate etc... but how about a ghostly date for you during the scariest and creepiest time of the year, which makes all the sense in the world to have a ghostly dating site, the site is

Maybe check it out and let me us know here at 1037 The Loon what you get matched up, hey you might even find your "soul mate".

Dtaes form the other side range from the ages of 18 to 1000 and as a bonus it lets you know how they died out of four choices, "tragically, horribly", "mysteriously" or "suddenly."

If you need a sense of humor the site has that too, i.e., "Don't kiss on the first date, don't kiss ever, in fact; because your faces just pass through each other."

Spooky and creepy, yet interesting all at the same time.

Happy Halloween!

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