I'm calling it. The supposed 'War on Christmas' is over. NO BACKSIES! Why is it over? Not because either side (The 'Merry Christmas!' side or the 'Happy Holidays!' side) won, but, because the whole thing is stupid when you actually look at the reasoning behind the phrase 'Happy Holidays'.

The phrase Happy Holidays began gaining popularity in the 1970's, but dates as far back as the late 1800's. It picked up acceptance in 1941, when Irving Berlin, a Russian Jew, wrote the song 'Happy Holiday' and was introduced to a wider audience by Bing Crosby in the movie 'Holiday Inn' a year later. The song is basically a wish for everyone to enjoy all the holidays throughout the year.

In the 70's, retailers began to use the phrase in advertising that began just before Thanksgiving, so as to encompass the American Thanksgiving, and the December holidays of Hanukkah, Christmas and the newly created Kwanzaa (which was originated in 1966).

In my experience, a retailer using the term Happy Holidays is making a sound decision in marketing. First of all it's a money saver. No longer would the retailer have to make 'Happy Thanksgiving' signs, 'Merry Christmas' signs, 'Happy Hanukkah' signs, 'Happy New Year' signs and 'Happy Kwaanza' signs. By slapping Happy Holidays on one sign or advert, you've got it covered and don't have to switch out marketing materials several times over the two month span. THIS MAKES PERFECT MONETARY SENSE! That's why I scoff at the assertion that the retail community is in a raging 'War on Christmas'.

Now on top of that rational, intelligent decision, you'd be surprised at how many actual holidays are celebrated world-wide during this time of year, and with our country becoming more and more diverse, it just makes sense to use Happy Holidays, instead of the very-narrow-minded Merry Christmas. Unless, of course, the only people you know are White and Christian. Then by all means, have at it.

In the meantime, check out these five actual holidays that are celebrated in various parts of the world and in America.

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