It's the new year, and most people get excited for something new, including improving themselves.  Whatever it is, losing weight, maintaining weight, eating healthier, quit drinking, or drinking a lot less, being more active.  Or maybe it's something else.  Like reading more books, being more present, or getting in contact with some old friends, whatever it is, this is the time that resolutions for many people already start to fall apart.

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What can you do to get back on track?

According to the website Accelerated Urgent Care, there are some things to help you out so that your resolution doesn't completely fail.

First, there is the obvious one - Don't Give Up

It doesn't matter how many times you fall, you get back up and start again.  Like Thomas Edison said "I didn't fail, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work".  Try again.

Second, Goals.

Make sure that when you set a goal, it is attainable.  For instance,if you ultimately want to lose 50 pounds; set small goals like 5 pounds in x amount of time.  Then when you reach that goal, set another.  Then it doesn't seem like such a huge amount.

Third, Plan.

Make sure that when you do something, and you have made the resolution, you also have a plan to execute.  Like if your resolution is to go to the gym more.  Set a time each day when you can make that happen. Then, plan accordingly.

Fourth, Support.

Make sure you are with people who will support your resolution.  If you are participating in dry January, make sure you are hanging out with people who will support you and your decision.  That way you won't be tempted by peer pressure.

Fifth, Give yourself a break

If you do happen to fall off the wagon of your resolution, make sure to forgive yourself, and start again the next day. Just because you didn't do what you needed to do today, doesn't mean you can't start again the next day.

Happy New Year Resolution restart!

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