Alzheimer’s Ride for the Mind Has Another Great Turnout
Saturday, I had the pleasure of broadcasting from the 15th annual Alzheimer's Ride for the Mind in Royalton.
Once again, they had a great turnout and raised some money to help support care, research and awareness of Alzheimer's disease in Central Minnesota.
Dale Girtz and the Girtz family, along with all the other volunteers who have made it their mission to eliminate this terrible disease. Like I say, if you don't currently know someone suffering from Alzheimer's, you will.
The turnout of bikes this year was once again impressive. For the most part, the weather held up. The auction items were pretty cool and, of course, Smok'N Guns rocked Royalton into the night.
Once again, thank you Ride for the Mind for including the Loon again this year and we look forward to next year. Thanks for all your hard work!
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