Minnesota's Mitch Hedberg, Comedian, Would Have Turned 52 Today Minnesota's Mitch Hedberg, Comedian, Would Have Turned 52 Today "I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it."BaxterBaxter
MSP Airport Looking to Change Booze LawMSP Airport Looking to Change Booze LawRight now, the bars in the airport don't sell any alcohol until 6am.Laura BradshawLaura Bradshaw
Dateless Teen Goes to Prom Alone Wearing Half Suit, Half DressDateless Teen Goes to Prom Alone Wearing Half Suit, Half DressWonder if he got lucky? (sorry)BaxterBaxter
Grace Slick Sticks It to Chick-Fil-AGrace Slick Sticks It to Chick-Fil-AIf you know anything about Grace Slick, you know she is feisty as hell.BaxterBaxter
Kenya Announces Death Penalty for PoachersKenya Announces Death Penalty for PoachersI would hope this will also being an end to trophy hunting. BaxterBaxter
33 Arrested for Sex Trafficking in Super Bowl Sting33 Arrested for Sex Trafficking in Super Bowl Sting2 girls have been recognized as having visited a hotel in the past few days.BaxterBaxter
Terms We Don't Use AnymoreTerms We Don't Use AnymoreSomething boring or unpleasant was "a drag".BaxterBaxter
Classic WKRP Turkey Drop "As God is My Witness, I Thought TurkeyClassic WKRP Turkey Drop "As God is My Witness, I Thought Turkey"As God is My Witness, I Thought Turkeys Could Fly"BaxterBaxter
Will the Crime Problem in Mexico Keep You from Vacationing There?Will the Crime Problem in Mexico Keep You from Vacationing There?The last thing they want is to put a hurt on their tourism business. U.S. tourists spend a lot of money in Mexico every year.BaxterBaxter
Is Our New Governor Going to Push for Recreational Pot?Is Our New Governor Going to Push for Recreational Pot?First of all, I think the term "recreational" sounds a little frivolous considering all the health benefits that come with marijuana.BaxterBaxter
It's 2:46, Are You Feeling Frisky?It's 2:46, Are You Feeling Frisky?Have you ever been at work at 2:46 in the afternoon and all of a sudden you have the "Urge to merge", you know, have sex?BaxterBaxter
Guy Blows Off His Own Arm and Remains Remarkably Calm (911 call It's amazing how calm this guy is while talking to 911BaxterBaxter