What IS & ISN'T Acceptable in Marriage?What IS & ISN'T Acceptable in Marriage?84% of those polled said it's alright to fart...BaxterBaxter
My Wife is a Lucky Woman (satire, obviously)My Wife is a Lucky Woman (satire, obviously) How could I go wrong?.BaxterBaxter
Woman Wishes Husband Was More of an A##holeWoman Wishes Husband Was More of an A##hole "I was choked by extreme love and affection"BaxterBaxter
His Girlfriend Goes "Stone Cold Steve Austin" on His A**His Girlfriend Goes "Stone Cold Steve Austin" on His A**"She just went Stone Cold crazy on my ass"BaxterBaxter
Wife Crushes Husband's Junk to Arouse HimWife Crushes Husband's Junk to Arouse HimEven a stiff breeze can bring resultsBaxterBaxter
Woman Leaves $5,000 Tip on Boyfriend's Credit Card for RevengeWoman Leaves $5,000 Tip on Boyfriend's Credit Card for RevengeThat's about a 9000% tipBaxterBaxter
Top 10 Breakup Lines and What They Might Really MeanTop 10 Breakup Lines and What They Might Really Mean"I've been thinking" A lot about your sisterBaxterBaxter
Would You Rather- Bad Sex or No SexWould You Rather- Bad Sex or No SexSo, in an edition of Would You Rather- usually both options are awful- we bring you Would You Rather- Bad Sex or No Sex at all? Laura BradshawLaura Bradshaw
Adults Spending Too Much Time On Their PhoneAdults Spending Too Much Time On Their PhoneAdults? Yes, I said adults spending too much time on their phone. Do you sleep with your phone near you? Do you use it as an alarm? Laura BradshawLaura Bradshaw
Mom Gives Son's Fiance $10K to Take a HikeMom Gives Son's Fiance $10K to Take a Hike I really thing she could have held out for moreBaxterBaxter
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman ScornedHell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned“I’d make sushi outta ur kidneys n chopsticks outta ur hand bones.”.BaxterBaxter