City of St. Cloud Is Asking Neighbors to Help Neighbors
The heavy snowfall that has fallen over the past week is difficult to move and not all residents can handle the weight of the snow. The City of St. Cloud Public Services Director Tracy Hodel posted the following message on their website:
St. Cloud has had significant snowfall in the last few days, and the City’s dedicated snowplow operators are hard at work keeping roadways clear for drivers and emergency response vehicles.
During plowing operations, it is common that snow and ice chunks can build up across driveways. Snowplows are designed to push snow to the side, resulting in snow being deposited at the end of driveways and onto sidewalks that directly abut the streets during plowing efforts. This can become even more challenging to avoid when greater accumulations of wet and heavy snow occur as witnessed with this recent snow event.
The City is receiving multiple requests for staff to come back and move the snow that was deposited at the end of the driveways. The City is unable to do this. With over 800 lane miles of roadway that need to be cleared, city plows must stay focused on opening streets and alleys.
It is the resident’s responsibility to clear this snow, while plow drivers continue their routes to plow the hundreds of miles of streets and alleys in St. Cloud multiple times over the course of a significant snowfall event.
While City staff devote their time to keeping the roads clear and safe, the community can help one another and neighbors can assist neighbors, especially those who might have a harder time clearing the end of driveways or passages. Consider helping a neighbor who can’t easily shovel this snow today! We can all work together as a community to clear snow and keep people healthy and safe.
If you have any sidewalk snow removal questions, please contact the Public Works Department at (320) 650-2900 or check out the city’s website for more information.