Dear Baxter, My Girlfriend is Insulted I Use Viagra
Dear Baxter,
My girlfriend and I have always had a good sex life. The last year or so I've had a slight problem being "up" for the occasion.I got a prescription from my doctor for Viagra and things have been working fine, maybe even a little better. My girlfriend happened to run across my pill bottle and says she is extremely insulted. She claims that if I was really physically attracted to her I wouldn't need these pills to perform. I've tried to tell her it happens to a lot of guys and it has nothing to do with her. Any advice to smooth things over?
Ben St Cloud, MN
Hey Ben,
Your girlfriend seems a little uptight. Tell her when if you don't use the Viagra, sex is going to be like shooting pool with a piece of rope. Or you could lie to her, and I would never recommend that. But if you choose to, tell her you don't use the pills for sex. Tell her you take them to keep from rolling out of bed at night. Hope this helps.