Did You Realize You Should Really Be Cleaning These Things in Your House?
You may be a clean-freak with your normal household chores, but it's likely you are forgetting some extremely important items on a regular basis. Here's a list of things to start adding to your cleaning list starting today!
Remote control. Do you realize this thing is dirtier than your toilet? Chances are you've never cleaned your remotes - ever!
Your vacuum filters. Yes, they have filters and they can get plugged. They need clear air-flow to operate properly and get as much junk out of your carpet as possible. They can be dishwasher safe, but personally I think it's a little gross to put that in with dishes you eat off of.
Toothbrushes. How long have you used your toothbrush before cleaning it thoroughly? My wife tosses our toothbrushes in the dishwasher every week and it cleans them like new.
Bed Pillows. Most people know that pillows hold dead skin cells and dust mites in them over time, and you lay your head on them every night. Throw them in the washer frequently. Make sure you dry them thoroughly so they don't get moldy and stinky.
Dishwasher. They hold water and get closed up air-tight, so mold and mildew can form in them easily. Run an empty cycle with vinegar, and another 1/2 cycle with baking soda monthly to clean it right up.
Computer keyboard. These get just as nasty as remote controls, and most people never clean them. I personally unplug the keyboard and use an alcohol-dipped cotton ball on the top of the keyboard while it's upside down and let it dry before plugging it in. If you have a computer tower, open it up and blow it out with a can of air. You'll be surprised how dusty it is in there.
Cell phone. You are constantly using it with both dirty and clean hands. They are full of makeup, skin cells, and bacteria that rarely gets wiped away. Take a cloth with computer screen cleaner sprayed on it, or just dampen with a little water, and give it a good wipe-down daily.
Cleaning these forgotten items frequently will help keep you from getting sick and staying healthy! Take a look around your home and see if there is anything else, I'm willing to bet there's a ton more you'll find.