DWI Enforcement On Through September 5th
ST. PAUL -- Through August 15th, more than 16,000 people have been arrested in Minnesota for impaired driving.
As a result, state patrol troopers, sheriff’s deputies, and local officers will hold a DWI enforcement campaign through September 5th. The campaign includes extra patrols, awareness, and education about driving while under the effects of alcohol and drugs.

DPS-OTS Director Mike Hanson explains the need for extra enforcement.
We’ve seen a spike in DWI arrests this year and a pretty significant increase in recent years with the number of drivers who are being arrested for drug-impaired driving. Drivers need to be aware that cold medicine, recently legalized THC edible products or any other drug can contribute to impairment and a DWI.
According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, more than one in every five deaths on the state’s roads is drunk driving related, and drugged driving has seen an increase of 123 percent in five years. The financial costs of drunk and drugged driving were estimated at $333 million in 2021.