Happy Birthday Kenny Wayne Shepherd (video)
A big happy birthday to a big talent, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, who turns 42 today.
Kenny was only 3 or four when he got his first guitar. A gift from his grandmother, who used Green Stamps to get him a plastic guitar. He began playing around age seven after meeting the legendary Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Kenny does not read music and is completely self taught. Much like Eddie Van Halen, Kenny spent a lot of his youth teaching himself to play.
On a side note Kenny is married to Mel Gibson's daughter.
Years ago, I saw Shepherd play at Moodndance Jam. He played at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon when the crowds were pretty lean. But, in my opinion, the best show of the weekend.
I've included a video of Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band, featuring Noah Hunt on vocals doing probably Kenny's best know song "Blue on Black"
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