Happy Star Wars Day Fun
Yes. May The Fourth Be With You. The day when all Star Wars geeks can celebrate their Star Wars geekdom. I'm not even ashamed to say that I am one of those people who have seen every Star Wars movie. In fact, I remember being a little kid, and we would get dropped off at the Paramount Theatre, when movies used to be shown there, and we saw the original Star Wars- A New Hope. So cool. That was also a time when you could be dropped off there and only an older sibling as chaperone and see movies. Kind of like a movie baby-sitter. It was awesome. I saw that movie about 4 times in that theatre.
Even though I was not in charge of what movie we were seeing, I still felt like we were doing something super cool. It was an event to go to a flick back then. Who knew Star Wars was going to turn into the epic phenomenon that it is now?
Here are some things that are just fun for celebrating Star Wars Day. This also shows what movie in the series is the most popular from state to state.
It's no surprise that the most popular movie here in Minnesota is the original- but actually the 4th episode- A New Hope. Check out all the others in more detail here.
Carry on and May the Fourth Be With You!