How To Avoid a Secondary Crash In Minnesota
This time of year weather related crashes happen often. MN-Dot wants you to be prepared and aware so you can avoid crashes and secondary crashes. Secondary crashes can occur when a vehicle is following too closely and there is not enough time to react or when the following vehicle hits the same patch of ice and slides into the same ditch. This can be exceptionally dangerous for the victims of the initial crash and first responders on the scene.

William Van Koevering of MN-Dot has the following suggestions to avoid a secondary crash:
1. Stay in your vehicle.
2. Keep your seat belt on.
3. Turn on hazard lights.
4. If your car isn’t drivable, stay inside and move to the seat furthest from traffic, creating more room between you and other vehicles on the road.
5. If your car is drivable, worry less about “preserving the scene” for law enforcement and more about protecting yourself and your car from further damage. This could mean driving (if possible) to the nearest off-ramp or underpass.
6. Once you’re safe, call 911.
Remember that if you take it slow, pay attention to the vehicles around you and be sure to leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front of you, the odds of crashing decrease.
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