How To Spend International “Talk Like A Pirate Day” In Minnesota
In case you hadn’t heard, today is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. Personally, I happen to be a fan of pirate culture. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a pirate, but then my mom told me that pirates didn’t exist anymore, so I decided to be the next best thing – which apparently is playing guitar in a rock band.
But believe me, if I could be a pirate I would be. I have such a love for the pirate life that I’m actually referred to as “The Captain” in my group of friends. I even own an official replica of Jack Sparrow’s hat. If you’re like me and enjoy the pirate’s life, here are some ways to celebrate here in Minnesota.
- Attend The Renaissance Festival
- Stop by the Nordic Inn Medieval Dinner Theater
- Check out Costumes Plus – Halloween Shop
- Stop by Theatrical Costume Company
- Have a drink at the Martini Lounge (my personal favorite place for a drink)
But hey, if talking like a pirate isn't your thing, maybe you'll want to celebrate one of the other three holidays that just so happen to be today. Aside from being National Talk Like A Pirate Day, it's also National Butterscotch Pudding Day, National Hug Your Boss Day, and National Pawpaw Day.
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