Hunker Down, More Frigid Temps to Come
It's always about this time of the year I seriously reconsider living in this part of the country. I've managed to escape a few times but somehow I always end up back in the good old upper Midwest.
There are some good things about the cold weather. I theorize that we don't age in the winter because we are freeze dried for a few months every year. This far out theory most likely doesn't hold much water, or ice. So, I recommend wrapping up in a blanket and daydream about warmer temps
The prediction for the next eight days doesn't look to promising for acceptable temps. There are a couple of days where the temps will reach single digits above zero but mostly we'll be sub zero for a good part of the next week or so,
This coming Wednesday, we are expecting -13 for a high temp. Yep, a high temp, 13 below zero.
Be sure to limit the time your pets are outdoors. and keep kids bundled up. Wind chill can only to a matter of minutes to cause frostbite.
I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up in the Spring.
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