Another great band coming soon to the area. Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band will be appearing at Grand Casino Mille Lacs Saturday, September 21. Listen to the Loon Morning Show all this week to win your free tickets.

If you haven't seen The Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band live, you are in for a treat. I'd have to put them in the top 10 bands I've seen at Moondance, and they've had a lot of great bands up there.


"Blue on Black", "Deja Voodoo", "Slow Ride" are just a few of the great tunes from the band. Personally, one of my favorites Is their cover of Dylan's "Everything is Broken" which I will play in Baxter's Attic on occasion.

So, keep an ear peeled to the Morning Show all this week for your chance to win tickets to the Kenny Wayne Shpherd Band coming to Grand Casino, Mille Lacs Seprember 21st.  Good luck!

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