Learn to Drive in a Roundabout
I'm talking about this only because I just about got nailed again in a roundabout. I realize that these are very new to some people, but if you are used to navigating them, it's super simple and really does keep traffic flowing nicely. This is the reason that MnDot is implementing them instead of traffic lights. Less stopping.
Here we go- first rule, no need to stop unless there is someone coming from your left. This is a yield, not a stop. So, DO NOT stop unless someone is coming from your left. Second step is to make sure you are in the correct lane. Outside lane HAS to keep going and exit the traffic circle. Inside last can exit or keep going around the circle. So in other words, don't cross in front of someone on the inside lane to stay in the traffic circle. If you are in a multi lane circle (where there's that crazy middle lane) the inside lane can goes around the circle or exit but need to exit into their designated lane- generally there are arrows showing you what to do. The outside lane HAS to exit and the middle lane basically has the same rules as the inside lane. Just follow the arrows and exit lanes. That way no one has the chance of crossing over eachother, which is what happened to me this week. UGH!!
Also BIGGEST, most important rule ever... NO STOPPING IN THE ROUNDABOUT! I cannot express this enough. NO stopping. Sure way to get rear ended.
Happy Driving, and welcome Spring.