Red onions are my  absolute FAVORITE!  This bums me out so much.  They are the most flavorful onion, in my opinion.  But I will say that the smell of onions will stay on your hands ALL DAY!  I don't care how much you wash your hands, you will still smell onions for at least the better part of the day after handling them.  Also, even though they taste great on salads and sandwiches, that taste will stay with you for the better part of the day too. Even after brushing your teeth AND using mouthwash. It's just the way it is.  I still love them, though.

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Now, I hear this... good thing I didn't get another one the other day when I went grocery shopping.  I actually forgot to grab one.  Probably better that I did forget.

The CDC has linked red onions to a salmonella outbreak across the United States and Canada.  There's been almost 400 people infected across 34 states.  Almost 60 people have been hospitalized.  YIKES!  No thank you. First it was the romaine lettuce, and now it's the onions.  People are messing with my salads!  I mean, who wants iceberg lettuce?  Almost NO nutritional value in that crud.

These onions that have the salmonella have been traced back to a place in Bakersfield, California.  So, if it isn't from that place, you are probably good.  But, how do you know?  Generally when I get an onion it's on a giant stack of them at the grocery store in the produce section.  So, how do you know?  That's not great...

So, just to be safe, unless you grew them yourself (I'm thinking that might be the best route for all produce, now) you should probably throw them out.  What's up with the produce from California?  Seems like that's where the infected romaine came from too, didn't it?  I guess I'm going to have to break down and have a garden of my own soon.  I don't do gardens... but I may have to rethink that... or the farmer's market.  I could do that.

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