Minnesota had a “Year Without a Winter” What Year Was It?
Right now, with all of this snow we have had...record numbers of snow... I think we are all ready for some actual Springtime weather.
We have heard so much about how this winter is in the top 5 of snowiest winters in St. Cloud and in Minnesota as a whole. This brought a question to me... what was the year that we had the LEAST amount of snow and "warmer" temperatures?

I did a little research and found that there was a year that was considered in Minnesota as the "Year Without a Winter". Odd, right? Turns out the year was 1877-1878. That's a minute ago.
From the Minnesota DNR website:
There were a couple of other years with similar statistics.
Apparently there were still a few days that were sub-zero, but overall these were very warm winters.
This winter for us really hasn't been that cold overall. But the weather has been unseasonably chilly for this time of year. And, as we all know, it has been extremely snowy. I've heard several people say that if we get any more measurable snow they aren't going to move it because it will melt soon. For me, it depends on how much. But at this time of year, and because of the amount of snow we have gotten, let's pray that we get zero more inches.
Bring on Spring!
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