Minnesotans Swapping Toilet Paper for Cloth for Clean Environment
Last year we had the toilet paper hoarders. I never understood that one. I mean, people were purchasing 2-3 or more multi packs from Costco and Sam's Club. I mean, where are you planning to store all of that TP? I buy one at a time and I hardly have room for that. But anyway, we have now moved in a completely different direction... in some cases.
The new thing is to use cloth instead of toilet paper. Then you wash and reuse them. Kind of like cloth diapers, but actually worse. This sounds so disgusting. At least a diaper you have on the kid for a bit of time (hopefully) but this cloth thing... where do you put it while waiting for the wash? I suppose you'd have a bag or some sort of storage receptical nearby? I feel sorry for the one having to empty that thing into the washing machine- definitely do that load separately.

I get what the idea of this practice would be. It does save on the environment and also on the pocket book. But as far as the environment goes, is it really that much of a help? I mean the idea of toilet paper, the regular stuff is that it is biodegradable. Isn't it? I mean it all but disolves in the water. That is the point, and why you're not supposed to use paper towels or napkins- things that aren't actual toilet paper.
I'm guessing that most people, like me, will just keep using the regular stuff. It's just gross. The people who might consider this will be the same people who still choose to use cloth diapers. Not me. Yuck. Hard pass. And have fun using the facilities when you visit someone who is on board with this practice. Keep that in mind.
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