MN Vikings Radio Call From Excitement to Devastation in Seconds
Yesterday if you were watching the Vikings game you had high hopes for a win. Or...let's be honest, you probably expected this to happen. It's all part of being a Vikings fan. As a fan you realize that you are probably going to be let down. It's happened every time... every year... every championship game... we get there just to be let down.... again. And usually it's a field goal missed that seals the Vikings fate.
It happens Every. Single. Time.
But we still have hope of winning. Every time. How can we still have hopes of winning when this happens every time. And yet, we still think "maybe. Maybe this time it will happen for the Vikings". And it doesn't.

But yesterday Paul Allen who has been calling games on the Vikings Radio Network for a couple of decades called the kick good and then was immediately hit with the realization that he was wrong. The kick was missed. A 37 yard kick missed. When earlier in the game Joseph hit a 52 yard field goal and last week's game kicked a 53 career high field goal. But earlier in this game he missed the extra point and this this which would have been a game winning field goal... missed. Again.
It's like excitement to devastation is seconds. I'm starting to think that the Vikings are cursed. Much like the Red Sox were cursed. The curse of the Bambino. I don't know what this "curse" of the Vikings is, but it sure seems like there is one.
But we continue to have hope...there's always next week. 15 and 2 still in play.
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