More European Travel Available Now from Minnesota Airport
As we know, everything was shut down due to the pandemic for the last two years with most of it opening up again within the last few months. Now, travel is opening up a bit more as well.
Recently, Delta airlines announced that travel between MSP and Heathrow in the U.K. had resumed. Now, Condor is bringing back seasonal travel between MSP and Germany.
According to Bring Me the News, service from Minneapolis/St. Paul to Frankfurt, Germany will resume on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Very limited. Flights will leave at 6:45pm on those evenings.
This is a welcome sign of more end-demic situations. Everyone, and I mean everyone is weary of the pandemic, no matter what your level of what is "safe" is, everyone would like things to go back to "normal". Even though some say this is our "new normal", people want to get back to how we were able to live and go about our daily activities as we were able to prior to March of 2020.

The Minneapolis Airport Commission (MAC) said in a press statement that this will open the door for many other destinations through Condor throughout Europe. This would include both air and railway partners.