Some days, I can't help but think we are doomed as a society. Can people really be this ignorant?

There is some absolute garbage circulating on the internet on how to cure the Coronavirus. As far as I have heard, there is no "cure" yet. Scientists are working on a vaccine and a possible cure.

People have been perpetuating these false reports on Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms that drinking bleach, snorting cocaine and masturbating can cure the Coronavirus.  Really?  The answer is a big fat NO.  Although 2 out of 3 of these things may help pass the time. One will kill you, along with the virus, I'm guessing.


There is plenty of good information out there to help protect you from this growing Coronavirus outbreak. Wash your hands, don't touch your face, give up shaking hands for awhile, avoid large crowds, limit air and cruise ship travel, etc.

Listen to the experts and stay vigilant. Especially, if you are in the upper age range where you may be more vulnerable to this virus.

Stay healthy and hopefully this whole thing will be contained soon and all will return to normal, whatever that is.

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