Peeps Are Trying to Take Over the World.
Or at least their small part of the world. Holidays!
I was out shopping around St. Cloud yesterday, looking for Easter treats. I came across this...
PEEPS!! In all shapes, sizes and forms. Stuffed ones, plastic ones AND Peeps on a stick.
That one might belong at the fair. This is getting out of control. Are there that many people that actually like Peeps. I think they are disgusting.
When they made Oreos in Peeps flavor, I thought that was it. Nope. There is more.
Now kids are supposed to carry around a Peeps Easter basket?? C'mon!! Now this is getting out of control. And what happened to just having a Teddy Bear for a stuffed animal? Stuffed Peeps. No way.
And this... Peeps Delights. There is no delight in Peeps. I guess maybe they are trying. And failing! Although I do have friends that say that Peeps are best if you leave them for about a year wrapped up so they get super hard. Then they are great for dunking. Like in your coffee.
I'm saying if you leave ANYTHING for a year- food related and it's still ok to consume... something is just not right. A YEAR and all that has happened is that they have gotten hard??? Nope!