A picture may be worth a thousand words, but the memories it can bring up can leave you speechless. Every year or two, I look through photo albums (actual physical photo albums, complete with that awful static plastic crap) and reminisce.

It's fun to look at pictures of your surroundings from before you were born. Sometimes, pictures make you wonder how the hell people didn't die doing seemingly-mundane activities.

For example, this picture of wolf hunters:

Bows At The Ready
"Right after we get this wolf, we'll go after Katniss" (Getty Images)

Or this picture of a woman keeping cool during a 1950's Minnesota summer.

Soaking Wet
Wet t-shirt contests have come a long way since then... (Getty Images)

On the flip side of weather, how about some ice fishin'?

Ice Fishing
Some things just don't change, and that's okay (Getty Images)

And another one for good measure...

Ice Fishing
Dat's a big fish...ing hole (Getty Images)

Only in Your State published a gallery of 1960's-era Minnesota. Even though I was born in the late 70's, the picture of the kid on the hand pedal-powered railcar brought back memories of going to Paul Bunyan Land in Brainerd as a kid.

Do any of these jog some memories?

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Minnesota's Oldest Bridges

Let's take a stroll through history and uncover Minnesota's oldest bridges.

Gallery Credit: Samm Adams

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