Roger Waters Wants To Perform The Wall At Mexican Border
Next to Tool, Pink Floyd is my favorite band of all time. Even for people who don’t like psychedelic 70s progressive rock, Pink Floyd is rather palatable. Not only are their songs some of the catchiest and heartfelt pieces of music to ever grace radio airwaves, but their concepts, lyricism, and stage production we’re revolutionary.
The mastermind behind it all was hands down – Roger Waters. While it’s true that he is no longer an official member of band, he still tours playing the music of Pink Floyd more than any other member (I have my fingers crossed he comes back to Minnesota soon.) Roger is no stranger to political controversy. After all, most of Pink Floyd’s songs lyrically showcase his political opinions.
It’s also no secret that he isn’t a fan of president Trump or his potential policies. Waters recently stated that he would like to perform “The Wall” in it’s entirety at the U.S. – Mexican border in order to protest the President’s wish to separate the two countries with a tax funded wall. Personally, given Roger’s history with political activism I wouldn’t be surprised if this concert came to fruition.