For fans of the rock supergroup Chickenfoot, the wait for a new album is slowly drifting into the realm of the interminable, however there might be a bit of good news on the horizon. The group doesn’t have any formal plans to get together any time soon, but a whole new project may just be on the horizon, according to guitarist Joe Satriani.

"The oddest thing happened," he told VH1 Radio Network host Dave Basner. "I was watching an old show, it's called 'Later' or something from England, and I saw Tom Jones do a great thing with Ethan Johns, who's played drums on one of my records that his father, Glyn, produced for me and they were doing a trio — drums, Ethan on guitar and just Tom singing. It was great! I got this idea about something that came from a conversation I had with Sam[my Hagar] where we wanted to do a blues album, but we were trying to figure out the simplest way to do it. And we kept thinking just two guys and then I was thinking, well, maybe three, I don't know. And then I saw this thing, and so I said, 'You gotta go out and get this album!' It came out maybe in 2010 or something and it just passed me by somehow. That was the last conversation we had was talking about that and getting together next weekend."

As long as drummer Chad Smith remains occupied with his main gig manning the kit for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, prospects for a follow-up to the band’s highly successful 2011 release ‘Chickenfoot III’ remain grim, however, for those hoping to see one of the greatest guitar players in the world do his thing with one of rock’s most charismatic frontmen, this should come as very welcome news indeed. It is unknown at this time if the group’s bassist, ex-Van Halen member Michael Anthony, is involved in any of Satriani or Hagar’s plans for a new outfit.

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