Students Have Way Too Much Faith in St. Cloud Drivers
We have come to the time of year when all the schools and colleges are back in session. We are now back in the time of really needing to pay attention to the crosswalks all around town, and especially around the St. Cloud State University campus. Pedestrians have the right of way. But, let's not get this twisted.... you still need to look for cars.
I have noticed that driving through SCSU, that students will just continue to walk across the street, in the crosswalk, and just expect drivers to notice them and stop. Many times they have their earbuds in, or are looking at their phones, or chatting with someone walking with them, or basically anything that will take their attention away from what could be coming on the road that they are about to cross.
It's really concerning early in the morning when it's still dark out... or at night. Especially at the roundabout on University and 5th Avenue.
This is dangerous.
Drivers need to be watching for pedestrians and being conscious of where they are driving as they are approaching a crosswalk. With that said, students need to also watch for cars. Just because you have the right of way doesn't bar you from being hit or even killed because you and the car coming weren't paying attention. This is especially true if the pedestrian is walking around when it's dark, and you happen to be wearing very dark clothing. It can be virtually impossible to see a person crossing the road until it is too late or almost too late causing a possible horrible tragedy.

Bottom line is this: Pedestrians- pay attention, get off your phone, don't just figure that since you have the right of way and drivers need to stop and allow you to cross the road that this is going to happen. And drivers- pay extra attention as you approach these crosswalks around town, and especially around the SCSU campus.