Summer Does Not End On Labor Day
Well, officially anyway. In my mind Summer lasts until the nice weather goes away. The nice weather can continue well into October. We do have a cooler forecast for next week but the nice days will hopefully bounce back and we'll have a nice fall.
Farmer's Almanac predicts a colder Winter with an above average amount of snow. But then again, they say that just about every year.
I've been going to our family cabin since I was a kid. Until about 25 years ago, people would wait to put the docks and boats in the water until Memorial Day. And kike clockwork, pull them out of the lake on Labor Day.

There is so much nice weather ahead before the snow flies. We've actually waited well into October before pulling the dock and pontoon out for the Winter.
I actually prefer the post Labor Day time at the lake. Most of the people on the lake have gone home and it's nice and peaceful. Oh, and the damn grass stops growing so fast. That, right there, is a bonus in my book.
If we could just get by without Winter weather, Minnesota would be a paradise. I know there are those that love the with activities like snowmobiling, ice fishing, etc and that's great. I think I spent too much time living in warmer climates and really can't get used to the frigid air.
There is plenty of nice weather left before the snow moves in, knock on wood, so, when people tell you Summer is over, tell them Summer is a state of mind.
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