
Introducing ‘Air’ — The Booze That Tastes Like Water
Introducing ‘Air’ — The Booze That Tastes Like Water
Introducing ‘Air’ — The Booze That Tastes Like Water
What deters the majority of our population from drinking alcohol non-stop? Some would say it’s the soul-crushing hangovers, the inevitable prayer sessions to the porcelain throne, or the regrettable decisions made under the influence. For most novice drinkers, it’s the taste. That’s where Air enters stage right to take a bow.
If Only PB&J Came In Vodka Form… Oh Wait
If Only PB&J Came In Vodka Form… Oh Wait
If Only PB&J Came In Vodka Form… Oh Wait
Over the past couple years, we’ve seen a proliferation of uniquely flavored liquors that have drawn the ire and criticism of party poopers who say booze companies are targeting the underage. The latest flavor will definitely be a hit with brown baggers.
Is ‘Alcoholic Whipped Cream’ Targeted Towards Kids?
Is ‘Alcoholic Whipped Cream’ Targeted Towards Kids?
Is ‘Alcoholic Whipped Cream’ Targeted Towards Kids?
I think this looks like a fun product that, like so many others before, will be misused and abused. College students are now getting drunk off this dairy product in between keg stands and rounds of beer pong.