Horses are an amazing and large animal. It was a long time since I had the guts to ride a horse. See what happens when I finally get in the saddle again!
Watch out, there's a new annoying selfie craze called 'finger mouthing' and it's replacing the 'duck lips' thankfully. I'm totally putting out sexy with this one!
There's nothing like a view from the driver seat of a motorcycle. I hit the main roads of St. Cloud with a GoPro on my helmet to show you just how awesome the views are.
If you're a serious golfer then you hate coming across people like my wife and I on the course. It's obvious we need lessons so we don't keep embarrassing our Minnesota golf courses!
I'm always up for a challenge, accepting this one caused more pain than one should ever experience in their life time. What exactly did they make me get waxed? Watch the video to see!