The days of having just a drink and being under the limit to drive may be going away if Minnesota goes along with scientists recommendation to lower the legal limit to 0.05.
A Sartell woman was arrested on suspicion of driving while drunk, on her way to pick up her sister arrested earlier for the same offense. The incident happened just before 2:00 a.m. yesterday (Sunday) along River Avenue South.
A Sauk Centre man was arrested early Thursday morning for allegedly driving over 100 miles per hour while intoxicated. The incident happened just after 12:15 a.m. on Highway 71, near County Road 187.
I had the opportunity to chat with Sergeant Jesse Grabow of the Minnesota Highway Patrol yesterday, and he said there were more than 500 DWI arrests in Minnesota over the Thanksgiving weekend. WHAT? 500+? Not to get all preachy, but what the hell is wrong with us?
Ok guys, this isn't good. According to the Daily Mail, new stats are out on drinking & driving that show men are almost three times more likely to drive drunk than women. Men are also 11 times more likely than women to think they are ok to drive after three drinks.