I ran across this picture of me at work 25 years ago. Notice the nice porn mustache on my face.This picture was taken in the early 90's at WDIZ, a station I worked at in Orlando, Florida. A lot of memories from back then. Rock radio was more free form and there was nowhere I'd rather be than at work...
Okay, we'll concede to coffee being the best thing about waking up, unless you're getting lucky.in that case we drop down another notch. Tomorrow be sure to tune in to The Morning Sideshow, featuring Me (Baxter), Laura (Boom Boom), Newsman (and I use that term loosely) Whiskey Dick Nelson, Dave Overland with Sports, Disturbed Theater, Stand Up Comedy Spotlight, Baxter's Attic and more...
The Loon Morning Show is back together again! Baxter and Laura, 'Mr. Sunshine' Whiskey Dick Nelson and great classic rock all morning long. Call in and welcome Laura back on Monday morning because I'm pretty sure she'll have second thoughts midway through the show...
We're just days away from the return of Laura to Baxter's Morning Sideshow. Laura was previously my morning show partner for over 8 years. Somehow she managed to put up with me for that long. I think once she realized that I was always right and she was mostly wrong, it was an easier ride for Laura...
Hungry? Try a recipe out of the condom cookbook! Or maybe burgers are your thing, but how much money do you throw down on average when you get one? Plus, fetishes you didn't know existed (or maybe you did perv).
A cop goes bonkers on a driver who knows his rights. A woman wants to look like a sex doll and Lucy & Jesse's significant others weigh in with more telling information.
The man who makes 100 "Oh" faces a day, a woman who tripled down on a boob job "Total Recall" style and tackling the Tinder app for National Singles Week. Listen and watch!
Um, like, uh today Jesse & Lucy talked about what filler words you confessed to using the most, the pot pizzeria that delivers, and the most expensive house in the U.S.