Two people have declared that they will run for St. Cloud Mayor so far in November. Those two are St. Cloud city council person Carol Lewis and former St. Joseph city council person Anne Buckvold.
Parking meters are enforced 24/7 in downtown St. Cloud on street parking and on many surface lots. St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis explains why the meters are necessary. He says no matter where you are in the city someone is paying for parking. Kleis indicates it is either a metered system where you pay as you go, it is on the property tax or the business is paying for the parking.
More than 80% of Minnesota is in a drought and Central Minnesota is in severe drought despite some rain this week. St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis joined me on WJON. He explains the city doesn't have any watering restrictions but does advise residents to conserve water at this time.
The City of St. Cloud continues to work on filling pot holes. That according to St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis. He says this was an especially difficult year for pot holes throughout the upper Midwest and St. Cloud is not alone in dealing with these challenges. Kleis fielded calls from concerned residents on WJON's Radio Town Hall.
Pot holes all across Minnesota are especially a problem this spring. St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis joined me on WJON for a Radio Town Hall. He indicates because of high demand throughout the state for the winter mix for pot hole filling the city is paying more and driving further to obtain this mix.
St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis, City Administrator Matt Staehling and the CEO of Metro Bus Ryan Daniel spent some time in Washington D.C. this week. The 3 were in the nation's Capitol to lobby for funding for a number of projects they are looking for Federal funding
St. Cloud Mayor Dave Kleis says the City of St. Cloud is looking to hire life guards for the city's wading pools this summer. The pools were not open the past 2 years due to the pandemic.