MN Man Finds, Drinks 15-Year Old Unopened Can of CokeMN Man Finds, Drinks 15-Year Old Unopened Can of Coke"It's been frozen and thawed at least fifteen times, cause it's gone through 15 winters," he says. "And we're gonna open it, and see what it's like."AdamAdam
10 Soda Can Hacks to Make Life So Much Cooler10 Soda Can Hacks to Make Life So Much CoolerThis is a whole new kind of way to recycle.Staff WriterStaff Writer
Signs You Were Born in the Midwest [VIDEO]Signs You Were Born in the Midwest [VIDEO]From our need to put ranch dressing on everything to our love of the lakes, this video kinda nailed it. LucyLucy
Bubble Wrap Appreciation [VIDEO]Bubble Wrap Appreciation [VIDEO]Monday was Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day so we came up with all kinds of fun ways to pop the popular plastic packing bubbles.LucyLucy