
Powerball Hits $450M
Powerball Hits $450M
Powerball Hits $450M
Nobody won last night's Powerball drawing, setting up Wednesday's jackpot at an estimated $450 million. The biggest Powerball jackpot ever was $591 million, claimed by a single winner in 2013. If you win and take the cash option the one-time payout will be $304 million. I've got my ticket on the fridge.
Tonight’s Powerball Drawing Worth An Estimated $380 Million
Tonight’s Powerball Drawing Worth An Estimated $380 Million
Tonight’s Powerball Drawing Worth An Estimated $380 Million
Got your ticket for tonight's Powerball drawing yet? Brisk sales across Minnesota and the rest of the country caused the estimated jackpot to jump another $20 million yesterday. If you win and take the cash option the one-time payout will be $257 million. I've got my ticket on the fridge.
Share Sloan’s Winnings in The Powerball Jackpot with His Secret Numbers System
Share Sloan’s Winnings in The Powerball Jackpot with His Secret Numbers System
Share Sloan’s Winnings in The Powerball Jackpot with His Secret Numbers System
If you haven't purchased your lottery ticket yet, you still have a few hours. The drawing is set for 10pm Central Time and the suspense is palpable. I've never played a lottery ticket once before, but my instincts and this jackpot have me convinced that I'm due. But instincts aren't good enough, and I've discovered a secret methodology to finding the numbers that will win me the Powerball.