Today, I wrap up the series of April Fools Day Pranks with one of my all time favorites. This one will set you back a little money, but it's a great group gag, so you can share the cost.
If you're looking for a simple, yet infuriating practical joke, the Filing Cabinet Frustration gag is just what the doctor ordered. I'll also share a neat twist for those with a naughty streak in them.
Today, I start a week-long series of practical jokes for you to use in case you're having trouble coming up with one on your own. Prank #1 involves little cost with great rewards.
Since tonight is a Powerball drawing night, I thought it would be the perfect day to introduce Prank #3. This is about the cruelest prank you can pull on a buddy...making him think he just won the lottery. It's easier to fool those who play Powerball on a regular basis, but I'll show you how to do it even if they don't.