
Best Elevator Prank Ever! [VIDEO]
Best Elevator Prank Ever! [VIDEO]
Best Elevator Prank Ever! [VIDEO]
Elevators can be awkward right? Getting into a tiny space with total strangers, even for a short amount of time, is never pleasant, it's just weird. But this specific talking elevator takes the awkwardness to another level by making it down-right embarrassing.
Prankster Freaks Out New Yorkers With Fake Rat
Prankster Freaks Out New Yorkers With Fake Rat
Prankster Freaks Out New Yorkers With Fake Rat
If you live in New York, you have to develop a pretty high tolerance for rats. They're all over the city's underground subway stations and their glowing, beady eyes are often seen in the trash that has been put on the sidewalk for pick up. But even the most hardened New Yorker doesn't want a rat anywhere near their personal space.
Prankster Posts Hilarious Fake Signs in London Underground
Prankster Posts Hilarious Fake Signs in London Underground
Prankster Posts Hilarious Fake Signs in London Underground
Somebody with a seriously warped sense of humor and some time on their hands went around the London subway system and stuck these signs up. Some of these are ridiculous. Some of them contain nuggets of truth. Some of them we wish did. All of them are hilarious. Then (it is 2012) the person took pictures of them, uploaded them to the internet and shared them on Reddit. These are our favorites. Read
Google’s Best April Fool’s Day Pranks
Google’s Best April Fool’s Day Pranks
Google’s Best April Fool’s Day Pranks
Every year since 2000, except 2001 and 2003, Google has treated netizens to at least one, sometimes 17, April Fool’s Day pranks and easter eggs. And, since we know they love to play (check out their new Google Play offering), we’re hoping 2012 will be no different.