Dennis DeYoung Just Found Out The Cars Hated StyxDennis DeYoung Just Found Out The Cars Hated StyxThey toured together in the early '80s. Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Ric Ocasek’s Emotional Final MessageRic Ocasek’s Emotional Final MessageCars singer completed sketch that was found by his family after his death.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Ric Ocasek Through the Years: Photo GalleryRic Ocasek Through the Years: Photo GalleryIt seems fitting that the Cars' well-traveled singer had a band with a transportation-themed name.Nick DeRisoNick DeRisoMatthew WilkeningMatthew Wilkening
The Cars Frontman Ric Ocasek DiesThe Cars Frontman Ric Ocasek DiesThe singer was found dead today in his New York City apartment. Ultimate Classic Rock StaffUltimate Classic Rock Staff