The arrest was made recently by the Blaine Police Department in the north metro, where the driver of the vehicle blew a .525, or more than 6 times the legal limit of .08!
If you didn't realize it yet -- it's winter here in Minnesota. We've been fortunate to have very little snow so far, but after this latest dumping it's good to learn about some cool car features we all have.
A semi driver loses their plastic tarp cover and sticks to your vehicle going 60 MPH...what do you do? This happened in the Twin Cities, and you have to see this.
Most kids have an Android or iPhone these days. Simply turning on their 'find my phone' app could save their life, and many parents don't even realize this phone feature.
When cruising on my motorcycle, I'll take a back road over the interstate any day, even if it take twice as long to get where I'm going. I cringe when I see a bike on the interstate.
Malls are a relatively safe place to shop, but they all have their share of dangers. These tips should be understood by every person that steps foot on mall property, especially teenagers.
Governor Mark Dayton has signed legislation that gives Minnesota the best program in the nation for farmer's tractor rollover safety for aging machines.
Holy-moly, it's getting scary out there!
With the warm weather comes severe weather season. Thunderstorms, lightning, high winds and tornadoes are all things we shouldn't take lightly. Here are a few safety tips from The National Weather Service that could just save your life!