The Minnesota Goodbye: How Skipping Goodbyes Can Save You TimeThe Minnesota Goodbye: How Skipping Goodbyes Can Save You TimeI ran into a study today from Australia that says that leaving parties without saying goodbye will save you 2 days per year. Say Goodbye To Minnesota Goodbyes!Brooks O'BrianBrooks O'Brian
DGAF Friday, Baby!! [VIDEOS]DGAF Friday, Baby!! [VIDEOS]You weren't gonna work hard today, anyway...ChoadChoad
The DGAF is On! [WATCH]The DGAF is On! [WATCH]Movie trailers, music videos, wrasslin'...oh my!ChoadChoad
Friday Arrived! DGAF With Some Videos! [WATCH]Friday Arrived! DGAF With Some Videos! [WATCH]It's this or work...might as well burn some time at work. It's FRIDAY!ChoadChoad
Feel Like Not GAF on a Friday? Me Too… [WATCH]Feel Like Not GAF on a Friday? Me Too… [WATCH]Riff Raff, How Rick Allen (Def Leppard) plays drums, McCartney Karaoke, and more!ChoadChoad
Short Work Week? Waste Time Anyway! [WATCH][WASTE]Short Work Week? Waste Time Anyway! [WATCH][WASTE]Short workweeks don't matter; we need to keep our usual schedule of wasting time at work on Wednesday!ChoadChoad
All This Heat Has Me Wastin’ Away at Work! [WATCH][WASTE]All This Heat Has Me Wastin’ Away at Work! [WATCH][WASTE]It's too hot to work, so let's waste some time coolin' off!ChoadChoad
Wednesdays Are For Wastin’ Time at Work! [WATCH][WASTE]Wednesdays Are For Wastin’ Time at Work! [WATCH][WASTE]I mean, you COULD keep on workin' like a good employee...but why?ChoadChoad