The LOON Wants to Send Your Family to Valley Fair
Yes, it's just one more reason to download the handy Loon app. Besides your chance at concert tickets and may other free things from the Loon, you can win a Family 5 pack of tickets to Valley Fair.
Valley Fair is open every day through Labor day and then they will be open on weekends until season close. Would it be great to have a big family outing without having to shell out a pile of money. The Loon is giving you a chance at doing just that. Here's how.
Just use your Loon app and chat the code word "VALLEY" sometime between now and 6 AM Monday morning. If you haven't downloaded the Loon app yet, what are you waiting for? It's absolutely free and has some great features you can use every day.
Monday morning we will pick a winner for the Family 5 Pack of tickets to Valley Fair, so chat the code word "VALLEY" with your Loon app and you may be on your way with your family to Valley Fair.
FYI: The LOON app is available for FREE download at iTunes and Google Play Store.
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