The Voted 5 Best Colleges in Minnesota!
After over 100 votes from Central Minnesotans, we have the results for the BEST MINNESOTA COLLEGE! Check out the top 5 results here!
Now obviously, there is a LOT that goes into considering which college is the best. Maybe it depends on how many scholarships they accept – or how bad the tuition is! Maybe it’s based on the college community, or simply the quality of education! Whatever the circumstances, we've got the results for the best 5 Minnesota colleges as voted by you! Check it out below:
- St. Cloud State University 14.95%
- St. Cloud Tech. & Comm. 11.21%
- U of M - Duluth 9.35%
- Bemidji State University 8.41%
- University of St. Thomas 7.48%
Thanks so much to everyone who casted their vote for their favorite Minnesota college!