There is Nothing Like Minnesota Lake Country
I swear, the only thing that gets me through Minnesota winters is knowing lake season is coming. It's actually the only time I really get to see my extended family. The best investment my parents ever made was buying our family cabin 50 years ago.
I've lived in nice climates like Florida, California and Texas but none of these places can compete with Minnesota in the Summer. I actually spent several Winters in Southern California and was able to come back just to spend my Summer by the lake. Of course, those were less carefree days.
That "Minnesota Nice" we talk about is actually pretty spotty in larger metro areas of the state but it sure is in full swing out in lake country, The small mom and pop resorts, campgrounds, restaurants, bars and all the other unique businesses that thrive in the Summer season.
I remember when we first got the family cabin, people wouldn't put their docks and boats in until Memorial Day and took them out, like clockwork, Labor Day weekend. That is not the case anymore. many have discovered that September and even the first part of October are usually pretty nice lake weather.
This sunset picture was taken this past weekend by my wife. I think the sunsets are one of the best things about being at the lake. I great end of the day treat courtesy of Mother Nature.
There is nothing greener, fresher than Minnesota foliage in the Summer, so enjoy what we seem to take for granted, Minnesota lake country in the Summertime.
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