What’s New At Parkwood Theaters This Weekend? (trailers)
Up and Slightly Adam from Parkwood Theaters stopped by the Loon studio this morning to tell us about what's showing on the screens at Parkwood Theaters this weekend.
First up, is "Birds of Prey". If you liked "Suicide Squad", you'll like this one. Lots of action! Check out the trailer below.
Also, still showing;
"Bad Boys for Life", "1917", "Gretel & Hansel", "The Rhythm Section", "The Turning", "The Gentleman", "Dolittle" and more. Check them out here https://www.marcustheatres.com/theatre-locations/parkwood-cinema-waite-park
Don't forget about $5 Tuesdays. All movies just $5 day and night
Get your tickets online at marcustheaters.com or fandango.com
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