19 Years Ago Generous Loon Listeners Came Forward
Seems like yesterday. It was a day we'll all remember forever. Unprecedented terror attacks on U.S. soil.
Laura and I were doing our morning show on what seemed to be just a normal Tuesday. That was until Whiskey Dick nelson came in and told us a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center.
My first thought was that it was an unfortunate accident and when another plane hit the other tower, it was pretty apparent we were under attack. Later, the another plane hit the Pentagon and another crashed in a field after passengers tried to overtake the terrorists.
We, like everyone else, were in shock that something this horrific was actually happening.
What could we do to help? Immediately, we put a plan together to do a marathon fundraiser for the Red Cross to began the following Friday.

I always knew our listeners were the best but we were both blown away by their generosity. People came in a steady stream through the front door to drop off donations.
We had a couple of the Viking's cheerleaders who volunteered to take pictures with listeners as the came in to donate. We even had kids bringing in their piggy banks as their parents donated whatever they could.
It was a traumatic time for everyone but it was amazing to see everyone pull together to do whatever they could to help. It was one of my proudest times in radio.
Totally, through the generosity of some great Loon listeners, if I remember correctly, we were able to raise around 72 thousand dollars for the Red Cross.
To this day, I still maintain the Loon has the greatest listeners.
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