2/3 of Police Calls 1st Weekend of Stay at Home Order, Domestics
We all are feeling extraordinary stress lately. The virus, stay at home order, layoffs, isolation, we're all feeling at least some of it.
Gov. Tim Walz stated Monday that the first 2 days of the Stay at Home order, two thirds of the police calls in Minnesota were domestic violence related.
Minneapolis Police spokesman, John Elder, sited growing tensions over job loss and being isolated led authorities to prepare for an increase in domestic violence reports.
“People are facing major changes in their life,” he said. “This adds to a heightened stress level.”
“Being quarantined with people you may not be used to seeing 24 hours a day can add to the stress even in the best of relationships,” Elder added. “We want people to understand and realize what they are experiencing is normal.”
Walz stated that people that do not feel safe in their homes are exempt from the Stay at Home order and should seek assistance if things get heated.
All calls to hospitals, police or any domestic abuse hotlines are anonymous.
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
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