Suggestions On What To Do With An Extra Hour This Weekend (satire)
It's that time of year again. We get that hour back that was ruthlessly taken from us last Spring. We can't just think of it as another hour. No, sir, it's a BONUS hour!
Here are some of my suggestions on what to do with you extra (bonus) hour this weekend.
- Get up early and make your significant other breakfast in bed. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Get outside and get all those leaves up before a big snow gets here. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Clean the garage. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Winterize your lawnmower. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
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- Take in a virtually church service. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Wash the windows so you have a clear view of Winter. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Put away all the patio furniture. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Make sure your snow blower is in good operating condition for the winter. Or, you could sleep an extra hour.
- Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Remember, smoke detectors go high and carbon monoxide detectors go low. This will only take a half hour, so you can use the other half hour to sleep in.
- Do your best to explain to your dog why their dinner clock is all of a sudden not synching up with yours..
Just a few ideas on how to make good use of your bonus hour this weekend. Enjoy the "long" weekend.
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