Dear Baxter, Am I a Slut for Sleeping with Him on the First Date?
Dear Baxter,
My friends lined me up with a blind date. We hit it off immediately and ended up in bed within an hour of meeting. We've now been together for several months and the relationship continues to blossom. I'm no slut but for some reason, that first night, things just seemed so right. So why do I feel kind of slutty about that first night?
Tonya Waite Park, Mn
Well Tonya,
No need to feel bad about that first night. Blind dates can be hell. All that tension and stuff. Actually, I commend you for taking that lusty leap. There is a fine line between a slut and a good sport. Seriously,many times people waste so much time building up to the big moment, only to find they are not a good match. You may be onto something doing the whole thing in reverse. Good luck in the future, Sonya. Hope this helps.
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