Even More Reason To Be A Netflix Binge Watcher [WATCH]
If having streaming Netflix wasn't enough, now you have no reason to ever look up from your phone! Netflix just opened up downloading your favorite shows to your device.
This comes at just the perfect time for me, as I'm planning a road trip that will be 75% wifi-free from St. Cloud, Minnesota to the gulf coast.
There's a ton of benefits to this, especially with your kids, who gobble up all your data plan as they watch Netflix cartoons from your phone while you're out and about. Now you can download all your favorite shows to watch when you want to, without eating all your mobile data.
I'll be trying this out tonight as I stack up my list of shows to download for our trip. I'm just hoping it doesn't take up a ton of space on my tablet and phone...there's a LOT of watching time over 3000 miles of road tripping!